PumpGate Logo

Welcome to PumpGate


PumpGate is the first gated PumpFun cabal.

The only way to join is to hold 1M+ tokens and verify via collab land in the Telegram.

All community members will obey the 10 $GATE commandments.

Disrespecting the community or breaking the rules will result in INSTANT TEMRINATION.

Token Information

The 10 $GATE Commandments

1. I will not sell and help build a community of ~250 1M+ $GATE Holders

2. I will gatekeep the best plays to our community only.

3. I will support strict moderation, grifting/scamming = ban. based chads only.

4. I will contribute to building the best Pump.Fun cabal.

5. I will help create generational wealth, I understand we're all in this for the money.

6. I will verify my deploys by the mods/dev before shilling.

7. I will stomp jeets.

8. I will smart sell only, sell in green charts only. 10%'s max sells. I never full clip

9. I will support the multisig community wallet for donation used for marketing to build a stronger cabal.

10. I contribute more value to the cabal than I take. Stick to the plan & take over.